About Us

Become a Member

ALPALS has been working diligently since 1987 to create a litter-free Alabama.  We have worked with hundreds of thousands of volunteers to pick up millions of pounds of litter to help improve Alabama and her communities.  

Please consider becoming a member today and know that your investment in ALPALS is an investment in a clean and litter-free Alabama.  Your membership helps staff coordinate state-wide clean-up efforts, such as our Annual Coastal Clean Up and "Don't Drop It Alabama" Spring Clean Up efforts,  provides volunteers with supplies, and helps promote the educating of Alabamians on the steps they can take to prevent litter.

Please join us today!

Personal Info

This is not the correct form to use for schools looking to register for the Clean Campus Program. Using this form will charge your credit card and the Clean Campus program is offered at no cost to all Alabama schools. You can register for the Clean Campus Program by completing the Clean Campus Program Registration Form.

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